Opus Exhibition: a fantastic Sunday opening
The “OPUS” exhibition class embarked on their journey with great success at their opening last Sunday at Magpie Springs Cellar Door and Gallery just outside Willunga on Brookman Road Hope Forest – the exhibition looks fantastic. Philip White the raconteur and bon vivant opened the show with his usual thoughtful words of wisdom which certainly illuminated the work presented.
All seven exhibitors have extended themselves, creatively and artistically. They have developed a very clear idea of how important organisational skills are in order to successfully plan, develop, publicise and launch a unique public exhibition of their art work.
Incredibly the day before, there was a wedding at Magpie Springs which meant that there were a load of trestle tables laid out from that event which meant those who arrived earlier to avail themselves of a picnic before the opening were spoiled for choice as to where to sit – perfect!
Last Sunday, I certainly enjoyed basking in the light of what they have created in the 26 weeks we’ve been meeting. For now their journey is complete until it’s time to organise the exhibition’s second venue at the Light Gallery at the Centre for Creative Photography in June.
OPUS exhibition at
Magpie Springs April 9 – June 3
The Light Gallery June 23 – July 21
I hope you can make this most excellent showing of photographs.
Gavin Blake
PS don't miss Philip White's delicous, poetic take on the exhibition at his Drinkster blog