Director’s Message

Welcome to the Centre for Creative Photography. My name is Gavin Blake and I am the founder and Director of the only registered private photographic school in Adelaide.

I found my passion for photography as an undergraduate studying Fine Art, in a basic photography workshop. I realised that you could actually look at the world via photographs. By placing a frame around a subject you can say “isn’t this particular person, place or thing great”. Furthermore nothing can beat the excitement when you see your first image emerge from the paper when placed in the developer; it is truly a magical experience. The excitement continues for me to this day and I hope you will share this unique experience at the CCP soon.

I began to understand the world around me because of what photography was teaching me. Like any artistic endeavour it changes the way everyone experiences their world; it shapes your thoughts, your future, and you are indelibly changed.

From its inception in 1997, the Centre for Creative Photography has been committed to a diverse and intense study of photography with flexible learning that recognises each individual’s lifestyle and life goals. This has become a defining feature of the school and pervades the community who study here. The teachers and staff at the CCP recognise that the most important contributions to the discovery and education of photography are made by our students because they after all will be the artists of the future.

The Centre embodies the disciplines, skills and creativity to create successful, independent-minded photographers. We have an original agenda-setting faculty working in the industry with our students, who work together in an interactive and genuinely unique atmosphere. Our lecturers generously share their passions with students, and this contributes enormously to their success as graduates and working creatives.

I see a transformation in students who come to the CCP to study. I love to see how their commitment to learning continues to grow; better to use the tools available—the cameras, computers, the software and printers, understanding the studio equipment and of course film and the beloved darkroom!

My own love of image making and photographic education has evolved enormously over my 40 years of commitment and I know have one of the best jobs in the world. I invite you to visit our campus and facilities, enquire about the programs and activities that interest you, and become part of the CCP’s vital community.

Art and creativity are gifts for life and the lecturers at the Centre for Creative Photography are committed to helping you realise your dreams. I look forward to welcoming you to the CCP community soon.