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2022 Peace Award for an Artist in Residence

  • Flinders University Adelaide Australia (map)

The Graham F Smith Peace Foundation - 2022 Peace Award for an Artist in Residence

The Graham F Smith Peace Foundation and the Assemblage Centre for Creative Arts at Flinders University are calling for submissions from Adelaide based artists or art organisations for the 2022 Peace Award for an Artist in Residence ($18,500).

  • Now open

  • Art Forms: All Arts – including, but not limited to written, performance-based, music, visual, or digital.

  • Applicants: Individuals and organisations

  • Grant Amount: $18,500

  • Applications close: 5 pm (ACDT), Thursday 30 June

  • For activity occurring in September, October, and November in 2022

  • Location: Adelaide, South Australia


The Graham F Smith Peace Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation established in 1989. It embodies Graham’s life of working for peace, social justice, human rights, and the dignity of labour. The Assemblage Centre for Creative Arts was founded at Flinders University in early 2020. Its mission is to provide opportunities for innovative and impactful interdisciplinary research into the creative arts.

The new collaboration between these two organisations provides funds and support for creating new work or for the development of work based on the principles of human rights, social justice, environmental sustainability and peace building.

The Peace Award is for a residency at the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at Flinders University in Adelaide during September, October, and November 2022. The residency schedule will be mutually agreed upon by the director of Assemblage and the successful recipient.

Selection criteria

Submissions for art projects will be accepted from individuals and organisations that:

  • demonstrate aims that are compatible with the Peace Foundation’s vision – Working for Peace through the Arts

  • accord with one or more of the Peace Foundation’s objects:

    • promote peace and justice at the family, community and international level

    • lead to the end of injustice, racial tension, oppression and discrimination

    • increase understanding and cooperation between political, racial and ethnic groups

    • support the right of Indigenous people to economic self-determination

    • educate the public in Australia about the alternatives to war as a means of solving international disputes

    • promote the care of the earth

    • promote ecologically sustainable development

    • support oppressed people to control their environment for their daily needs

  • intersect with one or more of the six research themes for the College of Humanities Arts and Social Sciences

  • use the funding to create new work or support the development of work

  • will be completed within 12 months of receiving the funds (unless an extension is negotiated)

  • involve a period of residency at the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at Flinders University, Adelaide, to be negotiated.

  • are based in Adelaide as there are insufficient residency funds to cover travel and accommodation.

We seek projects that:

  • hold the potential to be impactful across the community

  • take part in a creative process that is equally as important as the outcome

  • actively engage with Flinders University staff, students and facilities during the residency period

  • result in a public showing of the work (or work in progress) and discussion of the process

  • involve a process of documentation

  • result in a tangible artistic outcome

  • have a commitment to experimentation, excellence and innovation in the arts

  • include any creative medium, whether written, performance-based, music, visual, or digital.

The recipient will regularly engage with the staff and higher degree students throughout the residency at the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) and the CHASS facilities. Through the course of the residency, the artist may attend relevant lectures or reading groups pertinent to their project or even initiate a reading group with academics and students if this will assist and support the creation of their project.

The artist may also engage with CHASS facilities such as The Void – a motion capture and post-production studio – and Flinders University’s new immersive sound studio. When available and relevant to the artist’s project, Flinders will provide technical support for these facilities.

The artist will give an informal presentation on the progress of their project and their creative practice in general mid-way through the process. The artist will provide a more extensive final presentation after the project in a venue jointly agreed upon by the artist, key staff from the Graham F Smith Peace Foundation and Assemblage Centre for Creative Arts Research. Assemblage Centre for Creative Arts and the Graham F Smith Peace Foundation must be credited where appropriate for the life of the project.

It is expected that the artist will be based in Adelaide as there are not sufficient funds to cover travel and accommodation. The artist must use the funds to support the creative process of the artwork. The artist can allocate a proportion of the funds towards production costs and engaging other creatives.

The artist may apply for other funding sources to support their project.

The Graham F Smith Peace Foundation and Assemblage Centre for Creative Arts may choose not to fund any submissions in a particular year.

How to apply

To apply, please submit the following:

  • A completed application form, including

    • short biography

    • brief description of the project

    • project proposal addressing the selection criteria up to 1000 words

    • detailed budget

    • timeline

    • project outcomes

  • A full curriculum vitae per artist (no longer than five pages)

  • Letter/s of support confirming the involvement of listed participants

  • Any support materials.

Click to download the application form (PDF)

Submissions and support materials should be emailed to [email protected] by 5 pm (ACDT), Thursday 30 June 2022.

When sending a submission via email, please use the subject line: Peace Award | Name of your Project | Contact Name

Selection process and key dates

The Graham F Smith Peace Foundation and Assemblage Centre for Creative Arts will appoint a selection committee to review submissions and make recommendations to the Peace Foundation board in accordance with the selection criteria.

The selection committee may request additional information in support of any submission.

  • Applications for the award and residency close at 5 pm (ACDT), Thursday 30 June.

  • Invite the shortlisted applicants to an interview on Wednesday 20 July.

  • Shortlisted applicants must provide two letters of reference before the interview.

  • Notify the successful recipient by the end of July.

  • The residency will be hosted at Flinders University during September, October and November 2022.

  • Informal presentation to take place during residency.

  • Final presentation to take place at an agreed time by key stakeholders.

Further information

For more information about the Artist’s residency, phone Dr Tully Barnett, Director of Assemblage, at (08) 8201 5478 or contact us via email at [email protected]

To view the types of work awarded in the past by the Graham F Smith Peace Foundation, please visit here. Please note past awards were grants provided by the Graham F Smith Peace Foundation and not residencies.

The 2022 Graham F Smith Peace Foundation Peace Award for an Artist in Residence is made possible through the generous support of The Graham F Smith Peace Foundation and the Assemblage Centre for Creative Arts at Flinders University.

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1 June

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