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International Photography Exhibition 165

  • Centre for Creative Photography 138 Richmond Road Marleston Australia (map)

International Photography Exhibition 165: Call for entries Open for entries

7 February – 8 May 2023

The Royal Photographic Society is delighted to announce the 2023 call for entries for the 165th edition of the International Photography Exhibition (IPE 165). The world’s longest running photography exhibition celebrates contemporary photography from across the globe. The open call welcomes submissions from new, emerging, and established photographers of all ages and working in any subject or genre. New approaches, alternative photographic processes and experimental work is encouraged. Selected photographers will be offered exclusive opportunities. A £2250 prize fund will be awarded to standout entrants, including the IPE Award, Under 30s Award and visitor prize. 100 images, chosen by a guest selection panel, will form a group exhibition at the Royal Photographic Society, UK in January 2024. Selected photographers will also be featured in the award-winning RPS Journal and IPE Zine as well as across the RPS digital channels. Entry is free for one image, and up to four images can be submitted for £18 – £30, as a series or as individual images.

Entry Overview

Entry Information

1. Anyone of any age can submit their images to the IPE - this includes student, amateur, professional and non-professional photographers and image-makers worldwide.
2. The IPE is an open-call exhibition; therefore all subjects and approaches can be submitted, including alternative photographic processes and experimental work. There are no predefined categories, allowing for a completely open submission. Read our FAQs for details on artwork size. Entrants can submit four images from a series of work or four single images. One free single image entry is available to everyone.

3. Register online to submit your images. After the closing date, 8 May 2023, the online selection takes place and all shortlisted entrants are invited to submit prints for the final stage of selection. Entrants remain anonymous throughout the online and print selection process. 

Key Dates & Submission Fee

Early-bird prize draw deadline:
Tuesday 4 April 2023

Closing date for entries:
Monday 8 May 2023

Notify shortlisted entrants:
W/C 19 June 2023

Print submission window for shortlisted entrants:
21 June - 31 July 2023

Awards & Recognition

The International Photography Exhibition presents an opportunity to exhibit in the world's longest running photography exhibition. You will also be eligible for several significant awards:

1. IPE Award  /  £1000 and 1-year free membership to the RPS

2. Under 30s Award  /  £1000 and 1-year free membership to the RPS

3. Exhibition Tour  /  100 photographs will be selected for the touring exhibition, opening at the RPS Gallery, Bristol

4. RPS Journal Features  /  Four opportunities for a photographer to feature in the award-winning RPS Journal, selected by the Editor

5. Visitor Prize  /  £250 prize voted for by visitors to the Bristol exhibition

6. Selectors Spotlight  /  Four photographers will receive a statement by one of the guest selectors about why they selected the work. This will be included in the exhibition

7. IPE Journal Edition  /  All selected photographers will receive a digital copy of the IPE edition of the award-winning RPS Journal

8. International Recognition  /  Shortlisted photographers will be celebrated across our online and digital channels, including opportunities for Instagram take-overs 

9. Membership Offer  /  All IPE entrants receive 15% discount on a new RPS membership 

10. Digital Spotlight  /  We will share stand-out entries during the entry period across RPS digital channels

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